Teamwork Cloud™ 18.4 SP1

Introduction System Requirements Installation More information and support




Teamwork Cloud (TWCloud) is a new generation server that is designed to work with large amounts of data. The goal of TWCloud is to provide our clients with a modeling repository standard that can transparently scale from a single workstation to hundreds of servers.

TWCloud allows team members to collaborate on a project regardless of locations and data size. The TWCloud stores all projects in a single repository and allows several team members to open the same project on multiple workstations and manipulate it.


System Requirements


You need to install both TWCloud and Cassandra to run TWCloud. The following are the system requirements for your machine to install both TWCloud and Cassandra.

TWCloud has been tested on a machine with the following specifications:

       Intel Xeon CPU E31230 @ 3.20GHz
       16 GB RAM
       Linux (CentOS release 6.6  64 bit is recommended)
       Cassandra 2.2.5
       Oracle JDK 1.8.0_92
       Open ports 2552 between servers in a cluster, open port 3579 (default) to clients
       Static IP address for the node




Please refer to Teamwork Cloud UserGuide at


Where to find more information or support?

Web page

To get contact information or purchase details, please go to:


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